Wednesday, August 11, 2010

angry fan trows a water bottles on justin bieber

check this out :


community baru ;)
(dan lainlain)
nk buat t shirt ;)
RM 30.00 sahaja ;)
nk tahu lagi ?
add kt myspace : 

-that's all for today - huhh dah lah hw banyak , puasa lagi, huhhh sabar je lahhhhh ;)


hahhh,hari ni first day puasa , dah penat then cikgu kh nak suruh buat kelas tambahan lah pulak , huhh ;(
sampai pukul tiga setengah kot huhhh x tahu penat ke ha ? dah marah2 terus balik , tak fikir pulak orang nk balik naik apa . aaarrrrhhhhh tidak !!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

hot justin

Justin Bieber posing shirtless with his dad (Jeremy Bieber

u look HOT justin ! i love uuu <33 so d*** much !!

justin bieber to play 'Jasson Mccan' on c.s.i

On Thursday, CBS said that Justin Bieber has been cast in the season premiere of “C.S.I.”, which is scheduled for Sept. 23.
According to a news release, Justin will play Jason McCann, “a troubled teen who is faced with a terrible decision regarding his only brother—a decision that leads him into an explosive confrontation with the CSIs.”
The release added that this appearance is “the beginning of an emotional story that will conclude later in the season,” suggesting that Justin Bieber will return to induce further squeals from Laurence Fishburne, Jerry Bruckheimer and the whole “C.S.I.” gang in subsequent episodes.
OMG.. soo can’t wait to watch this!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

now i started like camera ;)

now i started like camera,i think
  • its cool
  • its cool
  • and its cool HAHA
its cool right ??
merepek je..
serious x sbr nk beli ini camera  huhhh ;(
(duit meen dah bnyk dah (duit syiling )
mmg kumpul dari kecik duit ni tapi still x cukup huhh ;(

Im OBSESSED with him .. huhh seriously ??

obssessed with him?? seriously ??
yes ia am <3 so what ?
:i want him (haha)
:ilove him
:i just wanna be with him
:i just wanna kiss him HAHA
i know there were million of girls out there that obssesed with him to ;)
but i believe in god, yg aku akan jumpe dia satu hari nanti HAHA <3

Friday, July 2, 2010

teah and miela dtg rmh ;)

1 july 2010 - teah and miela dtg rmh ,, mula2 teah sorg je yg ikut than jumpe miela mse dye nk naik bas , then mila ckp nk ikut sekali so aku ckp jom lah pastu izlyn pon dgr miela pon nk ikut sekali then aku igt dye pon nk ikut,, tgk2 dye pth balik,then teah and mil suruh pnggl dye, suruh tanye dye nk ikut ke x then dye ckp nanti nk balik naik ape?? so dye pon x pergi ikutt ;))
than me , teah and miela pergi tesco kejap beli maggi than teah nk beli roti pulak ,, nasib baik cukup duit nk byr roti tuu kalau tak malu je ;(())
than kitorang kene balik rumah meen jalan kaki lebih kurang 1 km jauhhh !!
than,bile da smpai kat rumah terus naik pergi bilik ain,, tukar baju lah , mase tuh miela x bwk baju so dye je yg x tukar baju ,, than kita org mkn maggi dekat atass : nasib baik my mom x tau kita org mkn dekat ats kalau dye tau!! tersumbatlah telinga aku !than lepas mkn kita org bukak laptop, teah nk bukak omegle cuz nk jumpa justin bieber lah konon,, tapi x jumpa yg kita org jumpa org indon ;)dah lah muka dye serious gile pastu boleh lagi indon tu tanye : lo dari indonesia ? : mmg nak kena mkn kaki lah kann.. pas dah bukak omegle kitorang snap pic sikit .. me and teah dah putih semacam , macam zombie dah ni , teah yg suruh pakai bedak putih2 dekat muka ;

webcam dgn justin bieber

wooaahhh , 27.6,2010 , tarikh yg tak kan dilupakan !! nk tau kenapa??
ni sume sbb waniey lah ni , kalau dye x bagi tahu aku psl nie x de aku obses sampai mcm nie dekat justin bieberrrr tuuu..!! mse tu pulak webcam rosak,, mmg nak kene lah kan.. org tgh webcam dengan bieber tibe2 rosak pulak o mak kau betoll !! anyway ,, mmg bangge gile lahh , kalau wanieth x ckp mesti aku x dpt jumpa jb kankankan!! hehe